February 27, 2011

Student of the Week

Britney Messner!

Here are some of Britney's favorites:
Color: Purple
Food: Ravioli
Animal: Dolphin
Book: Eloise
Movie: Peter Pan


Lesson Review: Polygons

What is a polygon? A polygon is a closed plane figure bounded by straight sides. Here's some examples of regular polygons (a polygon with all sides and all angles equal) :

The following chart will help you remember how many sides and angles each of these polygons have:



Guest Speaker Topic: Get Healthy!

Obesity is a problem in this day and age. What do we need to do to solve this problem? Get Healthy! In a few days, Mr. Grasshopper will come to Bumble Bee Elementary and tell us all about the food pyramid and how to be healthy. Mr. Grasshopper is a health teacher form Honey Bee High School--you'll have him as a teacher if you go there! He's really funny and will make learning how to be healthy overall really exciting. If you want to learn about the food pyramid before he speaks, do this online activity where you can read about examples of healthy foods, and then take a quick quiz to find out how much you learnt. Good luck!

Explore the Food Guide Pyramid 

Also, check out this video clip about being healthy, featuring Wilt from Cartoon Network's Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends and NBA star Steve Francis.

February 25, 2011

Lesson Review: Name That Cloud

Yesterday, as part of our weather unit, the class learned about different types of clouds. See if you can remember the names of the clouds below! We'll have a quiz tomorrow reviewing the clouds, so make sure you study. Also, remember to log the high and low for today in your Temperature Log.

Match these names with the correct cloud picture:
Cirrus, Cumulus, Cumulonimbus, Stratus, and Nimbostratus


Great job! Now check out this site that shows you videos of wild, wild weather!


Student of the Week

Jackson Oliver!

Here's some of Jackson's favorites:
Color: Green
Food: Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
Animal: Tiger
Book: Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs
Movie: Shrek


February 24, 2011

Lesson Review: Conjunctions

Conjunctions are glue words, which glue words, phrases, or clauses together. Conjunctions include glue words such as but, before, for, if, or, and, nor, since.

 To help you understand the lesson from today better, watch this video:


February 23, 2011

Homework: Continents and Oceans

Now that you know the different continents, label the different oceans on this map as well as all the continents. You can print it out if you lost the worksheet I gave to you. Also, feel free to use this blank map to practice labeling continents and oceans when you need to as a refresher!


School News: WARNING--Lice Outbreak

Please read the following notice the school sent out today:

"Dear parents of Bumble Bee Elementary students,

We would like to call attention to the recent lice outbreak at Bumble Bee Elementary in District 888. There have been 12 reports of head lice, which were confirmed by the school nurse yesterday afternoon. Some symptoms of head lice include:

  • Intense itching
  • Adult lice on scalp
  • Lice eggs (nits) on hair shafts

If your child shows any of these symptoms, check their scalp for head lice (which are usually found behind the ears and at the base of the scalp). Most cases of head lice can be dealt with by using nonprescription shampoo that's specifically formulated to kill lice. However, if this does not work, notify your child's pediatrician or the school nurse. If your child does have head lice, please report this information to the school.

We are currently going through preventative measures, such as instructing students not to share hats, scarves, coats, combs, brushes, hair decorations and other personal belongings at school. For more information on head lice, call the school nurse at (630)555-2001 or visit this website: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/head-lice/DS00953.

Thank you for your cooperation,

Carl Cricket
Principal of Bumble Bee Elementary"

Head lice eggs — also called nits — attach firmly to your hair shaft near its base at your scalp. Nits found within 1/4 inch (6.4 millimeters) of your scalp may indicate an active lice infestation.

Have Heart

Photo Credit: Maggie Beukema
Yesterday, the class painted hearts for Project Mercy in Ethiopia. Project Mercy is "a U.S.-based not-for-profit relief and development agency that promotes education, health care, and other holistic community development projects to create economically independent communities with high ethical and social values" (http://www.projectmercy.org). Mrs. Janet Hall, the speaker who came last Monday from Project Mercy, helped organize this school-wide event. We painted over 2,000 hearts! These hearts will go to children who are involved in Project Mercy, showing them that they are all created differently and to have heart and hope. Above is a picture of some hearts we painted!


February 21, 2011

Science Stuff: Marine Biology

What is marine biology? Marine biology is the study of ocean plants, animals, and their ecological relationships. By the end of these next two weeks, our class will become marine biologists! We'll learn about the origins of marine biology, study life under the ocean, and finish the unit with a trip to the Shedd Aquarium on October 2, 2011. Permission slips will be sent home next week. All permission slips and money are due by September 23, 2011.

"An estimated 50-80% of life on earth is found under the ocean surface and the oceans contain 99% of the living space on the planet!"
